Posts Tagged ‘US election’


Unhappy republicans?

November 5, 2008

McCain calls for unity while some disgruntled republicans are quoted as saying they will try and assasinate Obama – not spreading fear here – let’s hope these pimples get exterminated… filthy vernom

IOL Article


Obama wins presidency

November 5, 2008

Obama has made history and has become the first black president. The democrats took the gamble – reckoned that the time for change had come and elected a female candidate and a black candidate to run. Both proved highly popular. Their decision would make history if either candidate won the general election. And yes indeed it has. As much as I love seeing this, it also worries me the amount of rubble that Obama will be taking over… But he wants it and God speed – I hope he becomes the change that the US needs, having the 1st black president is only the 1st step – a change in policies, especially concerning the Iraq war and current economic turmoil. Obama – me loves u! Get ’em tiger! : )

US Election Special Report – Business Day
Obama Triumphs – Yahoo
Analysis of the elections – Summit TV