Posts Tagged ‘news’


Solar Water Heating Programme

October 16, 2008

Hooray! I love things that make us go green : ) So Eskom has a new solar water heating program – how exciting! It is a program that is being driven by government which has set a target for renewable energy. Customers who get this will not only save largly on electricity as your water will now be heated by the sun rather than the usual gyser system that takes up a lot of energy.

Another perk for choosing t use this system is that you – the customer – will get a rebate rather than those who install the sytem for you. Cool huh? Yeah! Go Green : )


Media Sensationalism – a disease

October 14, 2008

The past couple of weeks have been extremely eventful – from a global financial crisis to South Africa’s wonky political situation.

When you ride to work you see billboards with headlines that are very sensational – from the killer virus that was discovered last week to Zuma warning Lekota etc. etc. Once you read the actual story you see that it is not as saucy as the headline – most people just read the billboards…

People get mighty scared and mighty fearful bcoz of what they read. You feel as though you have very little control and you have a great uncertainty about the future. These fears are not unfounded and I am by no means belittling the major events that have happened globally and in our country – but the media sure knows how to spread fear abroad.

Now I did journalism and we have looked at whether the media truly is a mirror on society or if it does in fact shape society. I am of that opinion that it has a major role in shaping society. There are major challenges in our society and the things that happen are scary. But the way the media chooses to shape these events in the reader’s mind can have adverse results.

Now last week I was drinking up all this sensationalism and even though I didn’t notice it at the time – it did unsettle me greatly. Then on Sunday I got on such a spiritual high that, even though my economic state hadn’t changed and neither had the political situation in my country – the world sure seemed a different place, a more hopeful place and a far less fearful place.

We may feel that we do not make a major impact on the world but we do. Individuals driven by greed have had a major impact on the world market and have destroyed many people’s livelihood. Individuals are driven by unhealthy ambition, pride and selfishness to create a political mess. Individuals write sensational headlines that leave the masses in fear and dreadful woe. 

Now I know those hot headlines sell the papers, but you can still have hot headlines that cultivate a nation rather than destroy its morale. Ask Canada. A documentary was made by Michael Moore on why the US is far more violent than it’s neighbour – Canada. One of the major differences shown was the content the countries have in their evening shows – See Bowling for Columbine (2002).

So what’s my point? Lay off it a little… fear causes aggressiveness, poor health, depression etc. And these have even more dire consequences that affect others – look – it’s a butterfly effect. If you think I’m rambling on about nothing. Read this article on science and society.

The Consequences of fear – I love this paragraph from the article
[..] Some of these risks are physically real. Many are only phantoms of our perceptions. Both contribute to an undeniably real sense of worry and apprehension that extends far beyond the next 24 hours.
[..]Public businesses, legally beholden to maximize profits, try to gain attention for their news and information outlets to increase readership and viewing figures. A common approach is to make risks sound as dramatic, threatening and urgent as possible. The result is a 24/7 drumbeat of drama and danger, contributing to what George Gerbner called ‘the mean world syndrome’—the sense we have, based on a steady supply of frightening and threatening news, that the world is a riskier place than it actually is (Gerbner & Gross, 1976). Although Gerbner coined the phrase to suggest that exposure to violent content in entertainment media increases the likelihood that viewers would engage in violent behaviour, many have adopted the phrase to emphasize that news media content also affects public attitudes and behaviour (Wilkinson & Fletcher, 1995).

Crisis on Wall Street

October 3, 2008

Get the full coverage of the global crisis from


Update on $700bn bail out plan

October 3, 2008

The bill has been revised and the following have been included – A series of revisions, including tax breaks for individuals and businesses and a lifting of the limit on insured bank deposits, were mainly designed to woo the group of conservative House Republicans who blocked passage of the bill on Monday – The final decision will be given later today –  MORE ON FT.COM


$700bn plan rejected by US House

September 30, 2008


So the biggies voted against the $700bn rescue plan that was proposed. Wow – see the dyke fall. – MORE ON TIMES ONLINE

Then some stupid minister apealed against the liberalisation of the communications space in SA. I tell you – I just see SA turning into a dictatorship state – things are truly scary. MORE ON SUMMIT TV


Manuel Resigns – SA Finance Minister

September 23, 2008

The markets were all in a frenzy when it was announced that Trevor Manuel had tendered his resignation – the South African Finance Minister, was among 14 other ministers in Thabo Mbeki’s cabinet that have tendered their resignation. The Rand tumbled along with the JSE All Share. Things stabalised however, when Manuel said that he would be willing to serve under a new cabinet. 

READ – Summit TV
          – Reuters


Mbeki Resigns

September 22, 2008

(New York, New York Tune) Start spreading the news, he’s leaving today – he’ll make a brand new start of it in Goodness know’s where… South African President Thabo Mbeki stepped down yesterday. The ruling ANC’s National Executive commitee called for an ouster– it truly astounds me how Zuma who has had so many vile allegations against him has been promoted to ANC presidency. Then Mbeki is slightly smeared by the suggestion from Judge Nicholson that he might have been party to resurrecting criminal charges against Zuma and that it is all a political ploy – and the party asks the man to stand down. Look the man isn’t perfect but… let’s look at the calibre of people who were present yesterday when Mbeki was resigning and look at the calibre of people who support Zuma and the words that come out of their mouths… Uncultured, disrespectful, ungentlemanly – you name it. This might seems small but hey, manners maketh a man, and if you dont’ have them, well, you’re anything but one – even a dog knows when to say when. So there’s rumours about creating a strong force against the ANC upon the upcoming elections. I’m for it! Business Day has more on what this new political party should be like, and how the status quo is not catering to politics of the future. Have a read, very interesting.



South African Housing Market

September 18, 2008

While the US property market is looking quite dismal – there is the South African housing market which is also experiencing a downward spiral  – in this country however, buying property wouldn’t be so bad as the experts say it’s not a recession but rather a normalization of house prices. MONEYWEEK states that even though most experts are saying stay clear of the property market, it would be a big mistake to do so. So here is their take on the subject


US housing crash

September 18, 2008

So how bad is the US housing crash? Well the answer is really bad. Even with the tumbling housing prices it’s still a bad time to buy because you make losses almost immediately. In fact it is way cheaper to rent than it is to buy. This is predicted to last for the next several years. And with this week’s worsening news about the markets don’t expect any rosy outlook just yet. has more


Wall Street – worst crisis since 1930s

September 18, 2008

… And the feeling is that the end is not in sight and people are scurrying around like discovered mice. Funny Money is the culprit as credit and bad debts plunge major institutions into the black hole. Yahoo! has more