Archive for December 2nd, 2008


South Africa Does NOT Suck!!!!!!!!

December 2, 2008

I’m soooo sick if people saying “Argh, you, know – this country…” If you hate it get the hell out!!! I know there are a lot of bad things in SA, crime is horrific, the politics are in such a bad state it makes me shudder what those people are capable of – there are people mutilating little kids – small children being turned to prostitution, abuse is rife – I would love to take a walk down the street at night so I can go buy a milkshake – even driving at night means I could be hijacked – I know, I know I know – I feel angry about these things too. But the more negative we are about this the worse it will get because we will get despondent about things instead of getting off our arses and doing something. Just read a headline today that “SA charities get a blow” – that’s bad – really bad – now does that mean I hate SA – heavens NO! God loves me, he gave me this country to love it and to take care of it – and that applies to everyone else here. So do your part and things WILL get better – you being too busy doing nothing – is part of the problem. So Dammit – SOUTH AFRICA DOES NOT SUCK!!!!!